Banker’s boxes can store up to 2500 documents. Scanning large volumes of documents can be difficult and confusing to handle in-house. Document scanning services provide a solution for this problem by reducing the up-front cost of scanning and allowing companies to focus on their work. Outsourcing record scanning cuts down on paper-related costs, improves efficiency, and reduces security risks.
Banker’s boxes are sturdy cardboard boxes that can hold a very large volume of paperwork, and allow for stacking them neatly on top of one another for compact storage. Sometimes, storing documents in a banker’s box creates problems like difficulty in retrieving information, high risk in losing track of a box containing particular information, risk of damage of paper documents and paper documents occupy the majority of the office space. Scanning records in a banker’s box are crucial to preserve them and manage them efficiently. However, before scanning the documents, you need to be aware about the factors that can impact document scanning: