How to Choose a Good Large Format Scanning Service

by | Published on Mar 4, 2016 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

Format Scanning ServiceMany organizations have large size documents like drawings, large scale plans and other records that are stored for reuse in the future. Large format scanning is an effective way to preserve these records that would otherwise take up a lot of space in the offices. Document scanning of large size records is not an easy task; it requires advanced technologies and equipment that can provide quality output. Therefore it is advisable to hire a reliable scanning vendor. Here are some tips to choose a wise vendor.

  • Ensure that the vendor is capable of handling the type of paper or film and the type of image of the original. The scanned output should have excellent sharpness, clarity and it should also be possible to manipulate and edit the image as per requirement.
  • The vendor should have specialized equipment and good experience in handling large size documents.
  • Make sure the vendor is capable of transporting the large files through media that are compatible with your system.
  • Ensure that the service providers maintain confidentiality and security with limited access only to employees.
  • A good scanning vendor will have a good reputation and will be able to provide credible references. Contact the references to make sure that you have approached the right service provider.

Types of Large Documents That Can Be Scanned

  • Historical records: Old government records like birth records, marriage documents, death records, land records, newspapers etc are recorded in large size documents. These records are mostly handwritten and often the only records available. So they need to be carefully preserved.
  • Engineering records: Many companies record their drawings in blueprints, mylars and drawings spanning from ‘A’ to ‘J’.
  • Geographical records: Old maps and geographical records preserved in large size papers.


Scanning of large size documents makes it easy to handle and they can be stored without taking up considerable physical space. These scanned large documents can be shared with anyone and can also be archived and retrieved quickly. Digitization of large size documents helps you to preserve valuable documents and prevent them from getting lost or damaged.

Professional document scanning services offer experienced and quality scanning of personal as well as official or business documents.

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