6 Must-haves for Businesses to Undergo Digital Transformation

by | Published on Aug 18, 2020 | Business Process Outsourcing

Digital Transformation

Businesses always look for opportunities to increase the effectiveness of business operations, gain a competitive edge, and improve customer relations. This can be achieved with digital transformation. In simple terms, digital transformation involves management of the existing business and building for the future at the same time. Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology in all areas of business and it fundamentally changes how you operate and deliver value to your customers. To optimize and successfully implement the digital transformation, businesses should first focus on their data and the digital transformation process is likely to fall short unless it is based on a solid foundation of data transformation. So, approach a reliable provider of data entry services to convert all data into its digital format.

Every company operating traditionally should consider digital transformation. While it can seem like a lot of work and a long process, having the right elements of strategy can make the process of digital transformation seamless and efficient. So, here are the 6 must haves for a successful digital transformation.

  • Cloud strategy: Due to the rising need for remote work capabilities, the need for cloud spending has gone up. Businesses all around the world are spending more on cloud storage services rather than physical infrastructure to move their workload to the cloud. According to a survey by Snow Software, 76 percent of organizations that participated in the survey chose cloud infrastructure and 52 percent have increased their use of cloud-based video conferencing software such as Zoom, Cisco WebEx or GoToMeeting. Cloud services give companies instant access to what they need, while also being cost-effective and of high quality. It is one of the best ways to store the data and protect it from any kind of damages or disaster. Storing your data in the cloud ensures that your information is safe.
  • Cyber security: For almost all organizations cyber security is one of their top considerations of digital transformation. Cyber security is important because it encompasses everything that pertains to protecting sensitive data. With the new regulations like Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), safeguarding data is highly important for any company to ensure credibility and trust among the customers. Moreover, investing in digital technology will be in vain if the company is incapable of protecting their data assets and data breach can lead to potential lawsuits, impact to the brand and even shareholder value, and the organization may have to pay a huge amount of money as penalty and reputation damages. So, cyber security is very important for any organization.
  • Customer service: Customer service is an important element in digital transformation. Every company aims at offering great customer service and a solid experience from start to finish and digital transformation tools help develop better strategies to engage and better serve your customers. Today, due to the pandemic millions of customers are in isolation and the primary measure of their customer experience will depend on how businesses meet their new needs with empathy and care. So, businesses are investing in digital transformation to provide a seamless, convenient and customized experience to their customers.
  • Digital workspace: Employees now want to be flexible, convenient and productive and this could be possible only with a collaborative work style and the freedom to work from home. Moreover, with the outbreak of the current pandemic, many organizations have extended work from home to maximum number of employees. The concept of digital workspace is not just about access but more about the ability of companies to quickly and efficiently develop new business models. This could be possible only with virtualization, and cloud technology can ease development as well as application access and management, endpoint management, and security centralization.
  • Predictive analytics: As the business grows, data lakes also grow and other new ways to capture information expand, data is valuable only if you can gather insights from it. If an organization has advanced analytics tools, it can understand those customer needs that are not being met, can have a clear idea about business areas that are inadequately funded, and also learn about emerging business models among other important things. Predictive analytics helps to minimize costs, manage risk and streamline processes such as robotic process automation (RPA).
  • Hybrid IT management: Businesses are now operating in a complex IT reality and they often have to choose another alternative apart from cloud and on-premises operations. So, IT should find a software that supports a hybrid system for better flexibility. Hybrid IT helps to accelerate delivery of IT resources, improves IT efficiency, and enhances creativity and innovation and thus brings together traditional and transformational IT services from mainframe to mobile, from corporate to cloud.

It is time for businesses to understand that digital transformation is no longer a temporary arrangement. Instead, they should think of a long-term robust digital strategy. Today, as the pandemic is spreading and has disrupted the entire world, digital transformation is the key to survive in these difficult times.

According to the IDC, the worldwide spending on digital transformation is expected to reach $ 2.3 Trillion in 2023. So, it is time for organizations to switch to digital transformation to remain relevant and stay ahead of the competition. To begin with, businesses should first consider data transformation with the help of data entry companies, which would make the transition process easier and seamless.

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