4 Ways to Protect Data Privacy in an Increasingly Digital World

by | Published on Feb 10, 2017 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

Data PrivacyIn today’s digital world, business process outsourcing services are being increasingly used for a quick transition to a digital environment. At the same time, associated risks have also increased. Organizations partnering with document scanning companies and other such external providers have to be extremely cautious about maintaining data privacy. While this is one way in which your data could be compromised, there are other risk factors as well. In other words, there are many ways in which your sensitive information could end up in the wrong hands.

Document scanning and printing are important stages in the digitization process where data leakage could occur. Let us consider some ways in which data privacy can be strengthened.

  1. Restrict Unauthorized Access: According to research studies, it is estimated that 73% of knowledge workers have access to document scanning and scanning capabilities. Uncontrolled access to network scanning brings with it a huge risk of security and privacy breach, if that information is not managed effectively. Data leakage can occur when scanned documents are distributed via email. This situation arises when workers are allowed unrestricted access to scanning and sensitive content.

    An effective way to address this is by restricting document access by placing filters within scanning applications. So how are filters efficient? They can be programmed to search for specific words/character strings within the scanned documents once they are transformed into searchable format during the scanning process. You could, for instance, establish content filters to search for terms such as “confidential.” After identifying the terms, you can program the software to take actions such as applying automatic encryption to the file before sending it, deleting the file, or quarantining it.

  1. Secure the Scanned PDF Files: Usually, documents are scanned into PDF format for convenience, ease of sharing and efficiency. These can be secured effectively. PDF software can be used to set a document open password, which will prevent the document from being opened without the password. To ensure that the document does not fall into the wrong hands, you can call the recipient to provide the password. PDF software is also equipped with the redaction tool that secures or covers up images and text in the document as well as replaces selected areas pixel by pixel with redaction fill. Make sure that you save a copy of the original PDF for your records.
  1. Ensure Effective Safeguards during Printing: Data breaches can easily occur during printing. Printed documents are difficult to track and risky to store. Mischief makers could distribute copies outside your organization, or the wrong documents could be circulated. It is best to use print management software to prevent exposure of your information. You can hold your print tasks in a secure print queue and authorize its output only when authorized personnel are at the printer. This will rule out the risk of sensitive information getting exposed.
  1. Partner only with a Reliable Business Process Outsourcing Company: BPO partnerships are good to improve quality and customer relationship, and reduce capital investment. You also gain access to specialized skills and advanced technology with outsourced solutions. However, to ensure data security, make sure that they have reliable security and confidentiality measures in place.

Keep document privacy at the top of your mind always when utilizing corporate document scanning services and other support solutions. Understand how your content can be at risk throughout a document’s lifecycle. Take the best steps to prevent data leakage, prevent unauthorized access, protect your printing processes and thereby ensure data confidentiality.

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